The New Cultural Geography of Smaller Places

The New Cultural Geography of Smaller Places explored the intangible value that arts, artists and wider cultural ecology adds to small cities and rural areas. Attracting an audience from across the island of Ireland and the UK, this sold out conference was held in the beautiful Marketplace Theater in the heart of Armagh City.

Panel discussion.

As curators for the conference, we worked with Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council to develop the themes for discussion. We sought to highlight diverse perspectives and experiences by inviting local, regional, and international voices. Our distinguished speakers and participants included:

  • Dr. Cara Courage: Researcher, author, and change maker

  • Islander Architects: Designers and placemakers

  • HIVE Choir: An experimental vocal ensemble

  • Workhouse Union: Co-design experts

  • The Stove Network: An arts-led development trust

  • Array Collective: Turner Prize winners

Audience participation during conference.

Conference booklet.

The conference featured a blend of presentations, workshops, and discussions, providing a rich and interactive experience for attendees. Notably, the event was hosted on Imbolc, the first day of Celtic spring, symbolizing a time of fertility and rebirth. This timing underscored the conference’s themes of renewal and growth within the cultural sectors of smaller places.

The New Cultural Geography of Smaller Places conference successfully highlighted the vital role that arts and culture play in smaller cities and rural areas. By bringing together a diverse array of speakers and participants, the event fostered meaningful discussions and collaborations. The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many noting the inspiring blend of theoretical insights and practical examples.

Panel discussions.

Keynote speaker, Dr Cara Courage.

This conference not only showcased the existing cultural strengths of smaller places but also provided a platform for envisioning and nurturing future growth. The connections and ideas generated at the event are expected to contribute to ongoing cultural and community development initiatives across the region.

“A focused topic. Well structured with a diverse range of participants. A positive and proactive vibe.”

“Very mindful and thoughtful agenda….”

“Good balance of local and non-local speakers. Great to see local individuals and organisations given recognition within the context of what is going on further afield.”

“To see a full house for an arts and culture (planning) event was quite remarkable, in and of itself.”

– Feedback from participants

Conference workshop results with Islander Architects displayed as one installation in the windows of The Marketplace Theatre, Armagh.

Thanks to Katharine Wheeler for this considered response to the conference.

Client: Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council

Team: Amberlea Neely, Dr Jane Morrow 

Photos: Liam McCardle, Jane Morrow, Amberlea Neely


